What not to do with fake eyelashes?

Fake eyelashes have become a cornerstone in the world of beauty and cosmetics. They are a popular tool for enhancing the eyes’ appearance, providing volume, length, and drama to one’s natural lashes. However, as with any beauty product, there are right and wrong ways to use them. This guide aims to steer you clear of common mistakes and misconceptions about fake eyelashes.

Brief History of Fake Eyelashes

The history of fake eyelashes dates back to the early 20th century. Initially, they were used in theater and cinema to make actors’ eyes stand out on stage and screen. These early versions were often uncomfortable and cumbersome. Over the decades, advancements in materials and design have made fake eyelashes more accessible and comfortable, leading to their widespread use in everyday makeup routines.

The Popularity and Uses Today

Today, fake eyelashes are a staple in beauty kits worldwide. They come in various styles, from subtle enhancements to dramatic, bold statements. They’re not just for special occasions anymore; many people incorporate them into their daily makeup routine. With the rise of social media and beauty influencers, the trend of personalized and unique eyelash styles has only grown, making them more popular than ever.

Common Mistakes with Fake Eyelashes

Despite their popularity, many users make mistakes that can lead to less-than-desirable results or even damage their natural lashes. Understanding these common errors can help you avoid them.

Choosing the Wrong Type

One of the key mistakes is choosing the wrong type of fake eyelashes for your needs.

Understanding Different Materials

Fake eyelashes are made from various materials, including synthetic fibers, silk, and mink. Synthetic lashes are typically the most affordable and offer a dramatic look. Silk lashes provide a middle ground – lighter and more natural than synthetic but less expensive than mink. Mink lashes are the most luxurious, offering a natural, fluffy appearance, but they come at a higher cost and may raise ethical concerns for some users.

Selecting the Right Length and Curl

Another factor is the length and curl of the lashes. It’s crucial to choose a style that complements your natural eye shape. Longer, more dramatic lashes might be perfect for a night out, but they could be overwhelming for everyday wear. Similarly, the curl of the lashes should match your natural lashes’ curvature for a seamless blend.

Incorrect Application Techniques

Incorrect application is another common pitfall that can lead to unnatural-looking lashes or even damage.

Glue Application Errors

A frequent error in eyelash application is improper use of glue. Applying too much can make lashes feel heavy and uncomfortable, and it’s harder to achieve a clean, natural look. It’s essential to use just enough glue and wait a few seconds for it to become tacky before applying the lashes.

Positioning and Alignment Tips

Proper positioning is crucial. The fake lashes should sit comfortably along your natural lash line. Placing them too far from this line can create an unnatural appearance and feel uncomfortable. Additionally, ensure the lashes are correctly aligned with the shape of your eye; they should follow the natural curve of your eyelid for a seamless fit.

Maintenance and Care Missteps

Maintaining and caring for fake eyelashes is crucial to extending their lifespan and ensuring they remain safe and comfortable to use. However, many users unknowingly make mistakes in this area, leading to damaged lashes or shortened wear time.

Cleaning and Storage Blunders

Proper maintenance of fake eyelashes involves both cleaning and storage. Neglecting these aspects can cause the lashes to deteriorate quickly and become breeding grounds for bacteria.

Proper Cleaning Techniques

After each use, gently remove any adhesive residue from the lash band using tweezers or your fingertips. Then, using a cotton swab dipped in oil-free makeup remover, softly clean the lashes. Avoid using harsh chemicals or soaking the lashes, as this can damage their shape and fibers. Let them air dry on a clean surface before storing them.

Ideal Storage Conditions

Storage is equally important. Keep your fake eyelashes in a clean, dry place, preferably in the original packaging or a dedicated lash case. This prevents them from getting crushed or collecting dust and debris, which can affect their quality and hygiene.

Lifespan and Reuse Mistakes

Knowing how to extend the life of your fake eyelashes and recognizing when it’s time to discard them is essential for both aesthetic and hygiene reasons.

Recognizing Signs of Wear

Look out for signs of wear and tear such as shedding fibers, loss of shape, or weakening of the lash band. If the lashes no longer maintain their original form or appear uneven, it’s time to replace them.

When to Discard Used Eyelashes

Typically, good quality fake eyelashes can be reused several times, but they should be discarded after 20-25 uses or if they show significant wear, whichever comes first. Prioritize your eye health over extending the life of your lashes.

Health and Safety Concerns

While fake eyelashes can enhance your beauty routine, they also pose potential health and safety risks if not used correctly.

Allergic Reactions and Irritations

Using fake eyelashes can sometimes lead to allergic reactions or irritations, especially if you have sensitive eyes or skin.

Identifying Hypoallergenic Options

Opt for hypoallergenic lashes and adhesives if you have sensitive eyes or a history of allergies. These products are formulated to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

Immediate Actions on Irritation

If you experience redness, itching, or swelling, immediately remove the lashes and wash the area with water. Avoid using the same lashes or glue again, and consult a healthcare professional if the symptoms persist.

Long-Term Effects of Improper Use

Improper use of fake eyelashes can have long-term effects on your natural lashes and overall eye health.

Impact on Natural Lashes

Repeatedly wearing heavy lashes or incorrectly applying and removing them can strain and damage your natural lashes, leading to thinning or loss.

Eye Health Considerations

Moreover, poor hygiene practices with fake eyelashes can lead to eye infections. Always ensure your hands are clean when applying or removing them, and never share your lashes with others.

Styling Faux Pas

While fake eyelashes can significantly enhance your look, certain styling mistakes can lead to less than flattering results. Understanding how to style them correctly is key to achieving a beautiful, balanced appearance.

Over-the-Top Looks

Sometimes, less is more, especially when it comes to fake eyelashes.

Balancing Eyelashes with Overall Makeup

It’s important to balance your fake lashes with the rest of your makeup. If you opt for dramatic, voluminous lashes, keep the rest of your makeup more subdued to avoid an overpowering look. For bolder eye makeup, consider more natural-looking lashes to maintain harmony in your appearance.

Occasion-Appropriate Styles

Choose your lash style based on the occasion. Dramatic lashes are great for evenings or special events, while natural-looking lashes are better suited for daytime or professional settings. Understanding the context can help you avoid over-the-top looks that don’t match the occasion.

Mismatch with Natural Features

Fake eyelashes should enhance your natural features, not overpower them.

Complementing Eye Shape and Color

Select lashes that complement your eye shape and color. For example, if you have smaller eyes, look for lashes that are longer in the center to open up your eyes. For almond-shaped eyes, lashes that are longer at the ends can accentuate the shape beautifully.

Natural vs. Dramatic Looks

Decide between natural and dramatic lashes based on your personal style and the features you want to accentuate. Natural lashes enhance your eyes subtly, while dramatic lashes make a bold statement. Consider what works best for your face and style preference.

Summary of Key Points

  • Avoid common mistakes in applying, maintaining, and styling fake eyelashes.
  • Choose the right type, material, and style of lashes that suit your eye shape and occasion.
  • Proper maintenance and hygiene are crucial for the longevity of the lashes and eye health.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Fake eyelashes are a fantastic tool for enhancing your beauty routine when used correctly. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure a comfortable, safe, and stunning lash experience.


  1. How often should I replace my fake eyelashes?
    • Typically, you should replace your fake eyelashes after 20-25 uses, or sooner if they show signs of wear or damage.
  2. Can fake eyelashes cause damage to my natural lashes?
    • If applied, removed, and maintained correctly, fake eyelashes should not damage your natural lashes. However, repeated use of heavy lashes or improper handling can lead to thinning or loss of natural lashes.
  3. What should I do if I have an allergic reaction to eyelash glue?
    • Immediately remove the lashes, wash the area with water, and discontinue use of the glue. If symptoms persist, consult a healthcare professional. Consider using hypoallergenic lash glue in the future.
  4. Are there any specific brands of fake eyelashes that are recommended for sensitive eyes?
    • Look for brands that offer hypoallergenic lashes and glues. These are formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
  5. How can I make my fake eyelashes look more natural?
    • Choose lashes that match your natural lash length and density. Apply them as close to your lash line as possible and use minimal glue. Blend them with your natural lashes using mascara for a seamless look.